Who is the best Snapchater?

Who is the best Snapchat-er?

Snapchat has quickly become one of the most popular social media apps in the world, with millions of users around the globe. As such, it’s no surprise that some people have become famous—or even notorious—for their snaps. So, who is the best Snapchat-er? Let’s take a look at some of the frontrunners.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner is one of the most recognizable names on Snapchat. She has become an internet sensation, thanks to her fashion choices, beauty product endorsements, and numerous sponsored posts. She has amassed an impressive following of nearly 30 million followers, making her the most popular snap-chatter of all. Jenner has also been known to tease her fans with controversial snaps, adding to her already considerable meme-worthiness.

DJ Khaled

Khaled’s rhymes and catch-phrases are all over Snapchat, giving us gems like “Another one”, “We the Best”, and of course, “I’m the best”. His enthusiasm and enthusiasm for life, combined with his trademarked quotes, have made him a fan favorite on the app. What’s more, DJ Khaled uses his influence to promote positive messages, and even collaborates with other popular Snapchat users.

DJ Snake

French DJ, David Guetta, is one of the most successful DJs of all-time and his presence on Snapchat has been felt since long before many of today’s users had joined the app. With an impressive following of 15 million viewers, he is the only artist on the platform with a couple of EMA awards and top ten singles. He utilizes the app to constantly promote his upcoming and recent projects, while giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of his life.

King Bach

Actor and Vine superstar, King Bach, has been one of the most beloved Snapchat stars since his arrival in 2014. With a Snapchat score of over 24 million and counting, Bach’s hilarious yet wholesome content has garnered him many loyal followers. He posts a lot of comedic videos and skits, often centering around hip-hop culture and references.

DJ Pauly D

DJ Pauly D has been an active part of the Snapchat community ever since his start in 2011. Standing at a score of 9.6 million, Pauly D continues to grow his fanbase with his posts about DJ sets, nightlife, and just quality content overall. He’s become one of the most influential DJ-related Snapchaters of all time.

Casey Neistat

YouTuber and media mogul Casey Neistat uses his Snapchat to give us a behind-the-scenes tour of his life. Despite the fact that his Snapchat score is “only” at 4.1 million, Neistat still has a dedicated following who waits for his snaps and stories with eagerness. Neistat has proven himself to be creative and innovative when it comes to content and his signature storytelling style makes his snaps a treat to watch.

So, who is the best Snapchat-er? As you may have noticed, it’s quite a difficult question to answer. Each one of these Snapchat stars have built up a large and loyal following with their unique talents and creativity. Nevertheless, if we had to pick one, it would have to be Kylie Jenner. With her massive following, controversial content, and extensive meme-worthiness, she stands out as a premier Snapchat celebrity.

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