What is the Text Limit on Snapchat?
If you love sending stories, messages and more on Snapchat but have questions about how many characters you can share, then this article is for you. We’ll cover the text limit on Snapchat, the specific rules, including which platforms are affected, what characters you can use and more.
Let’s get started.
Understanding the Snapchat Text Limit
When it comes to sharing your thoughts, thoughts, or stories via messages, it’s important to understand Snapchat’s rules and regulations concerning the length and types of text messages you can send.
Currently, users are limited to 255 characters per message within the Snapchat application, which includes letters, numbers, special characters, and emojis.
Receiving Text on Snapchat
If you’re waiting for a message over 255 characters, don’t worry. You’ll still receive it! Snapchat will usually break a message into separate messages and send those in chunks, allowing the recipient to view the message in the order which it was intended.
Also, you won’t be able to send one message that is over 255 characters, but you can send multiple messages back-to-back to send longer messages.
Platforms Affected by the Text Limit
The text limit does not affect all Snapchat communication. Across different platforms, you’ll find the text limit still exists in direct messages, however, it won’t apply on alternative platforms, such as:
• Chats: Snapchat Chats don’t have the same limit, allowing users to send unlimited messages
• Snap streaks: Snap streaks don’t have a text limit limit, so users can get creative and share as many messages as they like
• Groups: Group messages also don’t have a text limit, allowing users to communicate freely
Common Characters Used in Snapchat
When in the Snapchat app, there are a variety of characters users can utilize in their personal conversations. Snapchat supports text characters such as letters, punctuation marks, spaces and some special characters.
In addition it also provides support for valuable types of media sharing, including photos, videos, stories, Bitmoji, GIFs and much more.
Using Special Characters on Snapchat
When it comes to specialized characters, not all are supported on Snapchat, and people need to learn about the accepted characters.
Here is a list of supported special characters on Snapchat:
• ! : exclamation mark
• ? : question mark
• # : hashtag
• $ : dollar sign
• @ : at symbol
• ^ : caret
• * : asterisk
• & : ampersand
• % : percentage symbol
Snapchat is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, and be creative with your messaging. However, it’s important to note that certain text length limits exist.
Whether you’re looking to chat one-on-one, or with groups, or in stories, the text limit counts for them all. Remember, the limit is 255 characters per message, and also some special characters are allowed on the app.
Hopefully, this article served as an informative and useful guide about Snapchat’s text limit for your future conversations.